Eradicate Propaganda of Nanjing Massacre
in Order to Regain Japanese Honor of the Spirits of War Dead


Eradicate Propaganda of Nanjing Massacre in Order to Regain Japanese Honor of the Spirits of War Dead

  • 提出先:Japanese government, the US government, Chinese government
作成者:Japan Love 勝手連【日本を守って下さる保守言論人を応援します♡】


Have you ever met any Japanese people?

How do you feel about Japanese people?

Furthermore, do you believe Japanese soldiers, who are ancestors of these Japanese people, really killed 300,000 innocent citizens?

So called "Nanjing Massacre" is totally Propaganda done by Allied Powers, especially the U.S. and China. 


There are two books which shows obvious evidences:

    Definitive Edition "Nanjing Incident"––Testimony of 50 Japanese people, Kenichi Ara, 2022, IKUHOUSHA Publisher Inc. (Japanese only) 

        It includes one testimony of an Akutagawa Prize winning author, Tatsuzo Ishikawa: I entered Nanjing two weeks after the Entry Ceremony into Nanjing. I've never seen any trace of Massacre.

      Completed "Nanjing Incident" Bringing an End to the Historical War Between Japan, the US, and China, Masanori Mizuma, 2017, business-sha, Inc.

        This book includes the data of entombment to prove that there was 34 citizens' bodies instead of 400,000 in Nanjing.


Why did they need to do that?

It was because they killed more than the same numbers of Japanese people by two atomic bombs and numerous air raids: 140,000 victims by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, 74,000 by the atomic bombs in Nagasaki and one of the the most cruel cases was Tokyo, 100,000 victims by Napalm bombs and others within only 2.5 hours.

These are the worst three Massacres done by one bomb or one night in the world.

The Allied Powers needed to justify these Holocaust by the propaganda that they punished Japanese people because Japanese people had done the wrong things in Nanjing.

However, what they did was just violation of the international law: killing innocent citizens.

[Our Goal]

 Eradicate all monuments and articles related to fake Nanjing Massacre in order to regain Japanese people's honor by asking the governments.

We  request everyone, who support our voice, to put the signature for regaining Japanese honor of the spirits of war dead.

[How to Put the Signature]

You will require emails to put the signature, however you don't hesitate to do it. Although the system require  emails to avoid double  signatures, we can only receive the information of your name not emails.


No donations will be received.

[Who we are]

Japan Love ♡

Warbitrarily support conservative journalists who protect Japan.




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